x1 Brown large rock base with attached:
- tunnel
- lighthouse with green base, with
activator push button for spinning line
- red lift-up ramp
x1 Brown descending track piece
x1 Wally the Walrus straight track with
- open/close net
- release lever
x1 Blue straight track
x2 Merging blue track
x1 Brown bridge dock
x1 Cross road track
x4 Short blue track ends
x3 Short red track ends
x1 Green trees barrier
x1 Zuma in orange hovercraft with life bouy
x1 Skye in vehicle
x1 Mini flying Skye figure
x1 Rubble figure
x1 Large light n sound hovercraft
x1 Drawstring bag for accessories
Race to the ruff-ruff rescue and get Skye, Zuma and the crew to save Wally the Walrus from the fisherman's net! Skye will then take to the sky as she flies around looking for poor Wally. Once he's spotted, launch a Paw Patroller from the top of the lighthouse rock. Lift the ramp to send them down the hill and once they reach the water they will hit the lever and release Wally from his trap. You can even move the trees to switch the track and send a Paw Patroller straight to the dock and into the water!
Paw Patrol is on a roll!
Tags: paw patrol, zuma, lighthouse, track, rescue, transport, role play, skye