Membership Options

Piri mai hei mema. Become a member with us:


You can join by clicking on the Join Now tab or by clicking here.


Which membership is for you?​

We have several membership options to choose from:

  • No Duty Membership $70 (one-year membership from date of application; unlimited visits; no duties).

  • Duty Membership $25 (one-year membership from date of application; unlimited visits; must complete 4 duty sessions a year - at least one every 3 months - for 2 hours per session). You choose the times/dates for your duties and you can bring your children along with you. A $15 fine is applied for each duty not completed within the 3 month period.

  • Special Needs Membership $0 (one-year membership from date of application; unlimited visits; no duties; no joining fee but a letter of referral from GP or Health Provider must be shown upon application). 

  • Grandparents Membership $15 (one-year membership from date of application; the member gets 5 visits only within the year; no duties).

  • Trial Membership $15 (one-year membership from date of application; this allows 3 visits only within the membership year; no duties; if you choose to upgrade to either a Duty or No Duty Membership you will only need to pay the difference; this membership is only renewable, under special circumstances and at the discretion of the librarian).

  • Multiple Births Membership $20 (one-year membership from date of application; unlimited visits; no duties until the multiples are over 2 years old).


What do I need to bring in when I first sign-up?

  • Photo ID (like a drivers' license)
  • Proof of address (like a power bill)
