Frequently Asked Questions

If you lose a piece, you will be fined $5. When you find the piece (usually next time you vacuum!) the $5 is refunded. If a missing piece causes the toy to be incomplete or unusable, you are welcome to buy the toy or pay to replace it.

You will be charged a replacement cost, depending on the age/condition of the toy. Each toy has a different replacement cost.

Yes of course! Children love to play in the toy library and ''help'' their caregiver with their duty.

A duty member pays a lower membership fee than a full membership and comes to the toy library and helps for four sessions (at least one every 3 months) throughout the year. This may include counting and checking toys for damage when thay have been returned, cleaning, tidying and stocktake.

We are a non-profit organisation run by a voluntary committee with support from our members and their families. We are always in need of new committee members. From each new committee member, we gain new ideas and a fresh look into what can be improved. We are not a council or government organisation or a private company. We are a group of parents working together to benefit our children. The library is run by a volunteer committee, who looks after the day-to-day running of the library. The library also employs a librarian.

  • Photo ID (like a drivers'' license)
  • Proof of address (like a power bill)