R613: Happyland Jack & the Beanstalk

Happyland Jack & the Beanstalk photo
Info! Toy can be reserved.
  • Category: R
  • No Pieces: 9
  • Manufacturer: Early Learning Centre
  • Age: 2 yrs +
  • Rent: $3.00
  • Donated by: Lotteries grant - thank you
  • Storage: : No Main Storage, Drawstring Bag for Accessories


x1 Castle on base with attached:
     - folding brown drawbridge
     - wind-up rainbow lift with yellow dial
     - blue door



x1 Giant
x1 Jacks mum
x1 Jack
x1 Cow
x1 Golden goose
x1 Singing harp
x1 Red flag on yellow pole

x1 Accessories drawstring storage bag


Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum. This fun Happyland Jack & the Beanstalk set is perfect for creating your favourite fairytale! 

Jack needs to get to the Giant's castle to get the golden goose. Hoist him up to the sky in the wind-up rainbow cloud lift. Press the top of the harp to hear the magical sounds - but be careful not to disturb the giant - can you hear the sounds he is making inside his castle? Quickly get the golden goose and escape down the chute back to your house at the bottom of the beanstalk where mum and your pet cow are waiting. 

Inspires imaginative play, role play and helps develop social skills.


Tags: fairytale, house, castle, giant, role play, jack and the beanstalk