R6: Mega Block Truck Ramp

Mega Block Truck Ramp photo
Info! Toy can be reserved.
  • Category: R
  • No Pieces: 12
  • Manufacturer: Fisher Price
  • Age: 5 yrs +
  • Rent: $2.50
  • Storage: : Plastic Container with Lid


x1 Red truck with attached:
     - 2 Blue side flaps
     - 1 Blue and orange fold out ramp
     - 1 Grey hook catch
     - 4 Wheels
x1 Grey car base
x2 Yellow car blocks
x2 Grey blocks
x2 Blue blocks
x2 Red blocks
x1 Plastic storage container
x1 Lid

Tags: truck, transport, ramp, blocks, mega blocks, vehicle, car transporter