C601: Wooden Carpentry Bench

Wooden Carpentry Bench photo
Info! Toy can be reserved.
  • Category: C
  • No Pieces: 27
  • Manufacturer: Unknown
  • Age: 2 yrs +
  • Rent: $3.50
  • Donated by: Burns Family - Thank You
  • Storage: : No Main Storage, Plastic Container for Accessories


1x   Bench

2x   4-hole brackets
2x   3-hole brackets
2x   2-hole brackets
1x   Blue clock hand
1x   Red clock hand
1x   Wooden hammer
1x   Wooden flathead screwdriver


4x Grey nails
2x Blue screws
2x Red screws
2x Yellow screws
2x Blue nuts
2x Red nuts
1x Yellow nut
1x Plastic container and lid for accessories

Tags: wood, carpentry, tools, hammer, screwdriver, woodwork, pound, posting, build